Fario CDC Flotlína

Fario CDC flotlínan er hljóðlát, fíngerð og gefur færi á mjög þröngum línubug. Hún er tilvalin til að veiða í krefjandi aðstæðum, þar sem egnt er fyrir styggan silung í nettum og tærum ám.


  • 30 daga skilaréttur
  • Frí heimsending á pöntunum yfir 12.000 kr.
  • Fjölmargir greiðslumöguleikar

Fario CDC flotlínan er hljóðlát, fíngerð og gefur færi á mjög þröngum línubug. Hún er tilvalin til að veiða í krefjandi aðstæðum, þar sem egnt er fyrir styggan silung í nettum og tærum ám. Línan er mjög þvermálslítil sem auðveldar fluguköst á móti vindi. Með því að hafa framhluta línunnar (e. front taper) tiltölulega stuttan, með góðu jafnvægi þyngdar og afls, má auðveldlega rétta úr löngum taumum.

Nánari vörulýsing frá framleiðanda

The relatively long belly and back tapers ensure a parallel flight path of the loop sections, and this will help you do any aerial corrections to the line during the last forward cast, as the line stays a little higher in the air all the way to the back, than a line with more weight-concentration in the back will.

Keeping the height as the line rolls out is also a great feature when you are setting the back cast high over obstacles behind and a great property when casting from lower positions from a boat or float tube. The extremely slick coating is dense and with a relatively high density to keep the diameter and wind resistance low, while still being buoyant enough to keep the tip section floating.  Guideline CDC WF is built on a braided multifilament core of 12 lbs strength, and it has a very subtle and delicate spring green/grey color in the head. The shooting line has a slightly off-white color that offers enough contrast to let you know where your transition between the two section is placed. There is small factory-made loops in each end, the head length is 11,0-12,5 meters and the total length is 25 m for line weights 2-4 and 27,5 m in line weight 5. The fly line box and spool are both eco-friendly and compostable.