Compline PRO

Compline PRO er næsta kynslóð skotlína frá Guideline. Þessar running-línur eru með afar lítið minni, lítilli teygju og sléttri áferð. Þær eru um leið mýkstu einþráða skotlínur sem Guideline hefur nokkru sinni framleitt.


  • 30 daga skilaréttur
  • Frí heimsending á pöntunum yfir 12.000 kr.
  • Fjölmargir greiðslumöguleikar

Compline PRO er næsta kynslóð skotlína frá Guideline. Þessar running-línur eru með afar lítið minni, lítilli teygju og sléttri áferð. Þær eru um leið mýkstu einþráða skotlínur sem Guideline hefur nokkru sinni framleitt.

Nánari vörulýsing frá framleiðanda

The Compline PRO™ is hands down our best monofilament shooting line so far! The oval shape creates a line that slips out of the water much easier than ever before. Being super smooth, together with extra low stretch and lower diameter, makes this a fantastic shooting line.

The material itself is truly amazing as its easy to stretch and get completely straight, even when dry. The uniqe surface gives you a super slick feeling that seems to last forever. We are also so happy about the fact, that any kink you will get on the line from knots and tangle, will more or less completely go away every time. Never before have we experienced the feeling of having a shooting line that feels brand new for this long! We chose to make the colors much brighter and with higher saturation, giving you an extremely visible line even in dusk light. The Compline PRO™ comes in 4 different models, and sold in 100m spools where you have a marking on 50m if you would like to divide on to two reels. The Compline PRO™ is truly a something else and is the best there is!

  • Extra low stretch.
  • Great strength with lower diameter.
  • Super smooth and slick surface that lasts.
  • Extremely easy to straighten out, even when getting kinks.
  • Almost no memory at all!
  • Oval shape that cuts through water much more even when shooting.
  • Bright and strong colors that are highly visable even in dusk light.
  • Sold as 100m spools, with a dye on 50m for those whe wants to divide into two reels!
  • Fluorocarbon free!

Compline PRO™ available versions:
Compline PRO™ 35 lbs – Orange
Compline PRO™ 45 lbs – Yellow
Compline PRO™ 55 lbs – Green